Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging Is Less Scandalous Than Snogging...

As the many (code for: NOT many...insert smiley face here) visitors/readers/hippies/cows? to my blog may notice, I have changed the format a bit. Let's see if I like it at all. Or if anyone likes it at all.

Anyways, you may have noticed that my last blog entry was spastic and/or devoid of much information. Since I am writing this one at 12:30 on Friday night, it will likely be much more spastic, but probably less devoid of information. Which would make it have...more information? I think so. Anyways, as an update, I did make the Variety Show! I will be singing and playing piano (at the same time, just in case those who do not get things that fast--like me, the most out of it of them all--didn't catch that...who knows, you may have hung around me too much). The song is one I wrote. So go to the Variety Show on Oct. 7 at 7:30! It will be fun! (Sorry if that sounded too much like an ad. It wasn't, I promise! Though I am Brandon Randall, and I approve this message.)

Wow, I'm actually trying to separate this into paragraph-like things this time. Maybe that's because this is obscenely long. Um...what else is happening? I watched the debate tonight and thought it was awesome. I hope you did too. Though you might not have. Let's continue this blog entry. Let's continue it with short, choppy sentences. Yes. That is a good idea. This is what happens when Brandon blogs in the wee small hours of the morning. Yay, I broke the short sentences curse!

OK, now that you're all convinced of my utter insanity, I should stop now. Maybe next time I'll have more to say...I mean, type...Anyways, cheese out! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Randomness...(Do I Ever Post Anything Else?)

It's been 20 days...or so?...since my last post. I really need to be more consistent. Or something like that. Anyways, since September 1st, I have died. OK, not really. But really, life has been pretty normal, I think from off the top of my head. (Not the bottom or the slightly-to-the-right northwest corner...which doesn't really exist, does it?) I've sung things. I've breathed. (I tell you, that does not sound like a word, but I don't know any other past tense for "breathe." If you have a better real one, let me know.) I've danced...OK, not really, but apparently we're having dancing lessons for Mutual on Wednesday. I tried out for the Variety Show on Friday--I find out tomorrow (Monday) how that went. (It probably might have been better to do an entry tomorrow instead where I would know if I made it or not, but it's too late now...great, now have that Carole King song stuck in my head...but then again, I like that song...) I wrote a song for it. I need to write something else besides these weird, choppy sentences. And start a sentence with something else than "I"...hey, I did that without even trying! (Well, maybe I tried a little bit...) Well anyways, my life is...alive. Questions? Leave a comment. (Too bad I can't truthfully say, "Comments? Leave a question," because that wouldn't make sense, not that the previous sentence made any sense either.) Hopefully I'll keep up with this blog some more, but for now, cheese out!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Is It Too Late To Learn How To Ride A Bicycle Instead?

OK, I haven't updated this blog in a while. Do you expect me to make regular posts or something? Well, I kind of expected that myself, actually, but I can never think of anything good to post about...Anyway...

So I went driving...a car...a REAL car...for the first time yesterday, when my dad surprised me by saying if I wanted a ride to our ward building for the fireside we had, I had to drive. I was completely nervous (if you're surprised by this, you don't know me that well...or haven't been in, say, a golf cart or something that moves with/around me), but anyways, I backed out of the driveway, surprisingly not hitting any of the cars in it. Going down our street towards 24th, I actually found a good speed, so that went OK. And though I had a little trouble stopping before 24th, I didn't die (of course you probably guessed that, from the fact I am, you know, typing this...). Then came the big, scary street. I turned onto 24th, and due to my horribleness at pressing down on the gas pedal, I probably turned onto it at about 60 or so MPH. Yeah, my dad was freaked out, I was freaked out, and if the car that was about 10 seconds away was paying any attention, they were probably freaked out too. I tried to slow down, but ended up kind of stopping in the road...thankfully, pointed toward where I was supposed to go. I put my foot on the gas quickly again, and I somehow survived the 10 or 15 seconds to the church parking lot.

You know, that bicycle is looking better and better...hopefully I'll get used to driving soon. Or hire a chauffeur. Or something...