Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging Is Less Scandalous Than Snogging...

As the many (code for: NOT many...insert smiley face here) visitors/readers/hippies/cows? to my blog may notice, I have changed the format a bit. Let's see if I like it at all. Or if anyone likes it at all.

Anyways, you may have noticed that my last blog entry was spastic and/or devoid of much information. Since I am writing this one at 12:30 on Friday night, it will likely be much more spastic, but probably less devoid of information. Which would make it have...more information? I think so. Anyways, as an update, I did make the Variety Show! I will be singing and playing piano (at the same time, just in case those who do not get things that fast--like me, the most out of it of them all--didn't catch that...who knows, you may have hung around me too much). The song is one I wrote. So go to the Variety Show on Oct. 7 at 7:30! It will be fun! (Sorry if that sounded too much like an ad. It wasn't, I promise! Though I am Brandon Randall, and I approve this message.)

Wow, I'm actually trying to separate this into paragraph-like things this time. Maybe that's because this is obscenely long. Um...what else is happening? I watched the debate tonight and thought it was awesome. I hope you did too. Though you might not have. Let's continue this blog entry. Let's continue it with short, choppy sentences. Yes. That is a good idea. This is what happens when Brandon blogs in the wee small hours of the morning. Yay, I broke the short sentences curse!

OK, now that you're all convinced of my utter insanity, I should stop now. Maybe next time I'll have more to say...I mean, type...Anyways, cheese out! :)

1 comment:

Brandon Randall said...

Dear Brandon,
I like your layout.

Ariel using your account.