Friday, October 17, 2008

For Some Reason, I Feel Very Blog Right Now...

Hello's nice to be here with you blog? (I couldn't say Primary, of course, because this is kind of--not Primary at all.) Anyway, hola. (Like the lame Spanglish.) Once I stop thinking of creative ways to greet you all to this blog entry, maybe I'll actually write something.

This has been a fun week. It's kind of not over yet--there is that little awesome thing called Saturday still to come--but I'll just talk about it anyway. Sunday, our ward got the chance to go to the Randolph Center, a home/facility for those with mental disabilities. It was a great experience--I was very scared about how I would be to handle taking care of and interacting with someone one-on-one for an hour, and at first, I felt inadequate and unsure, but I ended up doing well, being touched, and feeling the Spirit. I got to sing Primary songs the whole time, too!!! (And play piano, but only for the instruction meeting thing we had beforehand, and the sacrament meeting our ward had afterwards.) It was a unique and very amazing way to spend a Sunday morning.

OK, I said I was going to talk about this week, but random time switch--the Variety Show went very well. I felt like I sang and played my best, and just...I don't know, let my song out there. Thanks to all of you who have complimented me, you guys are great. And most of all...a huge GREAT JOB!!! to everyone who performed in the Variety Show!!!! You guys ALL were amazing, there was not an even close to remotely OK act the whole show, they were all completely terrific! All your top-notch talents really shined. (Hey, if you any of you took video of your singing/playing/stuff, you should post in online, like on Facebook or YouTube. Or send it to me. Or the way, if you missed the Variety Show, I have my song up on Facebook, and I might put on YouTube someday. I don't know, though...)

Before this gets too long(er--yes, I know this parentheses makes the sentence grammatically incorrect), what else is new/happened? I don't know, I was going to say other things but I forgot them. Or they don't fit in with how I wrote this today. Why am I thinking out loud...or, more accurately, on screen/typing-ness? I don't know. Anyways, I will hopefully post random stuff soon. Or not. Anyways, cheese out! :)

1 comment:

Kailei said...

I'm glad that the variety show went well! I wish I could have made it, but I had a wedding dinner for my "Big Sister" Kelly! I am sure that you did a great job. The variety show is a lot of fun!!!