Anyhow, enough of politics for the moment. November has turned out to be a very busy yet rewarding month so far. As I mentioned earlier, last night, the Choir, Band, Orchestra, and members of Drama performed the annual Veterans' Day Concert. I think it really came together well--especially the Band and Orchestra, which I think did an AMAZING job. They sounded terrific, and I think they could have given any professional philharmonic orchestra a run for their money last night. I ended up liking this experience much better than I did last year for some reason, maybe because it might have been a bit shorter and I felt more prepared. Great job to all who participated!
In random bits of information that are suddenly coming to me at this moment, I played Rock Band on Wii for the first time on Saturday, at my cousin's house after helping my other cousin and her husband move. I ended up singing (I know, such a stretch, right?) most of the time, and I did pretty well at adapting to the Rock Band style of singing--which is basically making sure you hit all the notes. Being the weird, chameleon-like (by chameleon-like, I mean I adapt to whatever music I'm supposed to be singing very well, though in certain situations I often sound quite horrible) singer I am, I sang most of the songs in their original octave--my falsetto (or lack of it) really got a workout, I guess. Oddly enough, I found that some of the songs were kind of some form of good practice for Regionals sightreading. (Yes, I am a music nerd, and proud of it!) I also tried drums once, which didn't end too terribly. A few days ago I played again, and had the guitar once or twice--it was set on Easy and Bass (which meant I had to play much less notes than on Guitar mode), so I actually did well, though I'm sure if I went any harder I would fail miserably. Rock Band is a fun game...whoever thought of putting singing with a video game is the coolest! :)
Oh, and one more thing, a big announcement if you haven't heard of it already (if you go to Mesa High or are related to me, you would sort of know this by now)--I made All-State Jazz Choir. After my audition and the results came in, I found out I was 1st Chair in the Clinic Choir (the 2nd, lower, but still quite awesome and amazing jazz choir), just like I was last year. Michelle Cardon and Matt Speakman (go Matt, he made 1st Chair Tenor in his first year trying out!) made the higher choir. Well, a few days ago--make that Monday, I think--Mrs. Jones told me after class that I got bumped up to 5th Chair in the HIGHER choir!!! Yay for a party with Michelle and Matt!!! I am EXTREMELY excited and I will make sure to learn my music well (unlike last year, where I got called back for a second part check...ouch to myself) and have lots of fun! I will keep everyone posted on dates for the concert and stuff. Yay for jazz!
Well anyways, so much for this being a short post. I think I'm constitutionally (by constitutionally, I mean not constitutionally, since from what I have learned in Government there's nothing about that in the, random tangent) prevented from writing less than elevendy billion words. Or however many I usually write. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing great and cheese out! :)