Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quick, Like A Bunny! (Or A Jackrabbit...)

OK, this will be quite a shorter post than usual since I don't want to jeopardize my going to bed much earlier than I usually do (go homework being done! though I need to work on my Government packet sometime...), but I just wanted to write and blog, because, you know, it's kind of fun. Since my last post, a few things have happened...there was an election or something (who would have thought?), the Veterans' Day Concert was last night (the 12th), and life, with all its random occurrences and events, has gone on. To elaborate a bit on my thoughts on the election, obviously as an Obama supporter I am happy with the results, at least on the presidential race front. I am immensely glad that 102, 8, and that random proposition whose number I cannot recall or did not exist in Florida (regarding marriage) passed, and I hope that the people now protesting against it will stop being so hateful toward the Church--the viciousness with which they're attacking us, a viciousness I believe is very unfounded and based on false information, makes me want to cry and kind of scares me. Anyways, I'm glad that those propositions passed and that marriage stays marriage, and I hope that the other side will learn to be civil. In terms of other races, I was very upset that Russell Pearce (who is, in my very frank opinion, an anti-immigration-crazed windbag) and Joe Arpaio (pretty much the same thing as Pearce) won yet AGAIN, but I guess that Arizona voters will have to deal with the consequences they enacted. On a happier note, a lot of the other local races/propositions/etc. in my view went well for the most part, such as the School Board, State Representative race, and other various and sundry things. 

Anyhow, enough of politics for the moment. November has turned out to be a very busy yet rewarding month so far. As I mentioned earlier, last night, the Choir, Band, Orchestra, and members of Drama performed the annual Veterans' Day Concert. I think it really came together well--especially the Band and Orchestra, which I think did an AMAZING job. They sounded terrific, and I think they could have given any professional philharmonic orchestra a run for their money last night. I ended up liking this experience much better than I did last year for some reason, maybe because it might have been a bit shorter and I felt more prepared. Great job to all who participated!

In random bits of information that are suddenly coming to me at this moment, I played Rock Band on Wii for the first time on Saturday, at my cousin's house after helping my other cousin and her husband move. I ended up singing (I know, such a stretch, right?) most of the time, and I did pretty well at adapting to the Rock Band style of singing--which is basically making sure you hit all the notes. Being the weird, chameleon-like (by chameleon-like, I mean I adapt to whatever music I'm supposed to be singing very well, though in certain situations I often sound quite horrible) singer I am, I sang most of the songs in their original octave--my falsetto (or lack of it) really got a workout, I guess. Oddly enough, I found that some of the songs were kind of some form of good practice for Regionals sightreading. (Yes, I am a music nerd, and proud of it!) I also tried drums once, which didn't end too terribly. A few days ago I played again, and had the guitar once or twice--it was set on Easy and Bass (which meant I had to play much less notes than on Guitar mode), so I actually did well, though I'm sure if I went any harder I would fail miserably. Rock Band is a fun game...whoever thought of putting singing with a video game is the coolest! :)

Oh, and one more thing, a big announcement if you haven't heard of it already (if you go to Mesa High or are related to me, you would sort of know this by now)--I made All-State Jazz Choir. After my audition and the results came in, I found out I was 1st Chair in the Clinic Choir (the 2nd, lower, but still quite awesome and amazing jazz choir), just like I was last year. Michelle Cardon and Matt Speakman (go Matt, he made 1st Chair Tenor in his first year trying out!) made the higher choir. Well, a few days ago--make that Monday, I think--Mrs. Jones told me after class that I got bumped up to 5th Chair in the HIGHER choir!!! Yay for a party with Michelle and Matt!!! I am EXTREMELY excited and I will make sure to learn my music well (unlike last year, where I got called back for a second part check...ouch to myself) and have lots of fun! I will keep everyone posted on dates for the concert and stuff. Yay for jazz!

Well anyways, so much for this being a short post. I think I'm constitutionally (by constitutionally, I mean not constitutionally, since from what I have learned in Government there's nothing about that in the, random tangent) prevented from writing less than elevendy billion words. Or however many I usually write. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing great and cheese out! :)


Kailei said...

Go Brandon!!! I am so excited for you in the Jazz Choir! Way to be!!!!! Let me know how it goes. I am sure that you will be amazing times ten!

Oh, by the way--good job at the Vet concert! My brother ( you know him?) plays percussion so I came and it was SO good. Kudos!

Brandon Randall said...

Thanks! Yes, I do know Mackay, though I don't think he knows me (though he was right in front of me at the concert playing percussion, randomness...), and make sure to tell him that he and all the Band and Orchestra did amazingly! They really sounded great! And I will be sure to let you know how All-State Jazz goes. It's nice to hear from you! :)